A Bong for Mom: A Quilt Love Story

Who doesn’t like a warm blanket on a chilly evening or when you’re needing that materialized embrace? The gorgeous quilts that adorned many a friend couch or cottage growing up were one’s I envied for the timely craftsmanship and needlework that even at a young age, I knew was at the hands of someone special.

Last year came a time when many a night was spent alone during a global lockdown. Last year, things like togetherness and being embraced were (and still are for many) non-existent.  Last year, all of that changed when I was shared a contest that now has my couch covered with that special something and of course, a story that I am proud to tell along with it.

I was one of the first guests on The Canna Mom Show, when Joyce was still a cannabis and podcast novice. I was also her first international guest from across the pond here in Canada, just bordering Buffalo, NY from my hometown, Niagara Falls. It was a contest Joyce shared with all her first season’s guests in a friendly competition to see “who could get the most downloads” of their aired podcast on her women-centric podcast.   

Now, either my mom listened to mine incessantly or more likely the latter which was – I shared the shit out of my aired interview on The Canna Mom Show because I NEEDED to win the grand prize. A homemade, colourful, one of a kind, Bong Quilt.  Yes, a Bong for Mom contest was well underway with the winner to be announced on Mothers Day. This of course, a nail-biting announcement that I watched glued to FB live while Joyce delivered the winning news to all of the participating guests. It was a close race and I don’t recall the final numbers because I heard one thing only which was, that Bong for Mom Quilt was about to travel outside of the Country to its new home, with me!

This was the beginnings of it’s travels though and knowing how well it took to commutes via air, well – let’s just say, it has in the past year clocked many more miles. Picnics that scream “I am pro cannabis” while my son and I eat sandwiches and dip carrots from upon it are one of last summer seasons favourite outings. Many a passerby who alternatively may insert their stigmatic opinion towards a mother type smoking a joint publicly, seem to have less voiced judgements surrounding the gorgeous declaration of the same nature just being announced through a giant black bong image as bold as blowing a toke of cannabis smoke reveals. It’s safe. It’s normalized in this expression.  It’s a damn original piece and I am sure it’s the envy of many a towel thrown down nearby as it’s covered the sand in all it’s glory.  And did I mention, it’s MINE?!

My treasured quilt has back splashed photos; it’s been a part of the construction building many a fort; it’s cloaked me in the time in history we will never forget as our world and normalcy stopped and touch, togetherness and social comfort went along with it. My quilt however, was there. It held me and still does. It will hold my son and whomever it is passed on to from there.  Cannabis in its early stages and a historical quilt being crafted that commemorates this time in our world, I mean – what a tale!

I again, am part of the ladies entering this year’s contest as it has just hit my inbox with the unveiling of Joyce’s paid homage to all 100 of her show’s guests with the crafting of this year’s contest winning quilt themed, Women of the Amazing Technicolor Cannabis Quilt. Not only will I enter again and take my slim chances of last years luck repeating itself, but I will also encourage the competition to enter too as trust me, this is a priceless prize to be won!

So, you have my good lucks shared to all and you have my quilt story of the ages, so the last thing I will leave you with is my gratitude to this amazing Canna Mom and industry icon, Joyce Gerber. A woman I can now say has become my friend. A lady I get to speak warmly about when compliments are expressed surrounding my quilt. A true female leader giving back with her voice, sharing from the heart and working quilt magic with her hands – much love my dear friend for all you do and in advance of this years winning announcement, for the next home and lives you will touch.  

A sincere thank you, from the proud owner and winner of Season 1’s Quilt Contest, your friend and Bong Coveted Canadian Mom, Amie.

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